We help you start, grow and scale your business with luxury branding, a high-converting premium offer suite and streamlined marketing strategies that work.
We specialize in helping you start, grow and scale A SUSTAINABLE AND PROFITABLE business ONLINE withOUT WORKING MORE with our online courses, 1:1 coaching or done-for-you services.
If you’re a business owner who needs help to make your business become a visible brand powerhouse in your niche with content that serves AND sells we can help.
Join our membership Studio Socials Club to get a monthly content plan with done-for-you captions for social media, emails, a community of likeminded entrepreneurs and a library with marketing trainings and templates and so much more.
showing the love
Hanna Karlsson is a certified online business strategist, mentor and the founder / CEO of Studio Socials — an accredited education- and marketing agency helping business owners grow their businesses.
We specialize in helping aspiring and established entrepreneurs to create a life they love by building and scaling their businesses online.
Hanna has trained hundreds of aspiring and established entrepreneurs to build premium brands, set up streamlined systems and increase their revenue without working more.
The mission is to help you get the work-life balance you deserve. This site is full of amazing resources and ideas that can help you literally change your life!
Feel free to reach out and we’re happy to discuss how we could help support you!
Welcome to join our 3-month high-touch mentor program if you want 1:1 high-level support.
Copyright © 2025 STUDIOSOCIALS All Rights Reserved.
Studio Socials is an accredited business consultant company and authorized social media manager certificate provider. Our educational programs are accredited and authorized by E-Cource Certification Institute (ECC) and Social Media Manager Certification Institute.